for Stress, Chronic Pain and Symptoms of Trauma
Abby Rose
soma The unfolding, living body
The internal, sensory experience of the body
The wise, imaginative and creative body
(due to covid, all sessions are being provided via telehealth: video & phone)

Abby Rose, NARM, SEP, HSE
Somatic Therapies
Telehealth Online Sessions
provided throughout the US and abroad.
Based in Oakland CA
(Grand Lake neighborhood,
near Lake Merritt)
Free Phone Consultation:
For your questions, and to help me learn what you're wanting
for yourself in this chapter of your life.
Insurance Options:
Auto insurance for PTSD and other symptoms resulting from car accidents.
My practice is devoted to helping you cultivate a sense of well-being, providing you with tools for relieving the physical and emotional effects of trauma, and reducing chronic stress and chronic pain.
Support for:
anxiety, fear, panic attacks
hypervigilance, a feeling of being on high-alert
easily triggered, exaggerated physical and emotional responses
feelings of helplessness
stuck in shame, guilt or low self-esteem
ruminating, intrusive thoughts or memories
feeling numb, vague, spacey, fatigue
sensitivity to light and sound
insomnia, nightmares
digestive issues, irritable bowel syndrome
asthma, breathing difficulties
chronic tension, protective bracing in the body
chronic pain: fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, back pain, neck pain, TMJ/jaw pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis
repetitive stress pain
headaches, migraines
other chronic physical ailments
physical symptoms with no apparent cause
abby rose somatic therapies ~ oakland ca ~ online sessions available
narm, somatic experiencing & hanna somatics for stress, trauma, ptsd & chronic pain
Copyright 2022 by Abby Rose. All Rights Reserved. Trauma Therapy & Somatic Education. Oakland, CA. 510-465-4630